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What Is the Difference Between Lady-Comp and Baby-Comp Fertility Monitors?

Many women ask the question, "What is the difference between Lady-Comp and Baby-Comp Fertility Monitors?"
And although on the outset it may seem confusing as they are both quite similar the answer can be easily simplified by saying that the Baby-Comp Fertility Monitor is an upgraded version of the Lady-Comp Fertility Monitor.

Planning For Pregnancy
One of the prominent reasons more women prefer to use the Baby-Comp Fertility Monitor over the Lady-comp when desiring to become pregnant is that this version of the device gives you a 6 day ovulation period on the display in advance. This allows for you to plan for when and if you wish to become pregnant during that cycle.

Do You Want A Boy Or A Girl?
There is even a gender selection guide, which displays the optimal times for conception if you prefer to have a girl or boy. Although it cannot be guaranteed accuracy 100% of the time many people have positive reports! The medical device display shows you which gender has an increased chance on each day you are ovulating. There is also a place for you to enter each date of intercourse allowing this non-hormonal birth control device to predict your due date if you fall pregnant.

Irregular Cycles
If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, the number of days you will be ovulating along with the frequency will vary. To better help identify the days you will be fertile, the data collected by the Baby-Comp Fertility Monitor can be easily printed out for further analysis by you and your partner.

Don't Give Up After The First Try!
What should be understood about conception is that most couples do not succeed in the first cycle of attempting to become pregnant. On average it takes three cycles before pregnancy is achieved. If a woman has a hormonal imbalance, then the days she can conceive are reduced. With the aid of the Baby-Comp Fertility Monitor, you can more precisely pinpoint the days you have an increased chance of becoming pregnant. This can be done on the monitor or on the printed version.

Pregnancy Test
One of the best features the Baby-Comp Fertility Monitor has, according to the ladies that have successfully become pregnant with the aid of this medical device, is the pregnancy test. This device can pinpoint the conception date and the due date accurately.
How It Was Developed
What both the Lady-Comp and Baby-Comp Fertility Monitors have in common is they were developed by a team of gynecologists, software experts and electronic experts. This has resulted in the most reliable vivo medical device yet made by man.

So.. Which One Is Right For You?
If you wish to become pregnant then the Baby-Comp Fertility Monitor is the right choice for you. If you wish to use this non-hormonal birth control device to prevent pregnancy, then either of them will work relatively the same with 99.3% accuracy.